the intersection at higashioji-dori street was converted into a railroad crossing . 東大路通交差点を踏切に変更。
you are approaching a railroad crossing and are unable to see 400 feet in one direction . あなたは踏切に近づいています 120メートル先までしか 見えません
with no bridge across railroads , one must still use a railroad crossing to move between the platforms . ホーム間の移動は、跨線橋を渡る形式ではなく、昔ながらの踏切形式である。
a railroad crossing within the premises existed until around the mid-1990s , but eventually it was removed . 1990年代半ばまで構内踏切があったが、現在は撤去されている。
it is located on the ground level; across a railroad crossing , the platform for the trains for shijo-omiya is placed on the kurumazakijinja station side and that for arashiyama is on the katabiranotsuji station side . 踏切を挟んで四条大宮行きを車折神社駅寄り、嵐山行きを帷子ノ辻駅寄りに配置している地上駅。